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Using Audit report entries
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Author: Alexander Kokoshyn
Posted: 12/8/2005 5:19:00 PM

The information below will be useful for you in case you need to generate a detailed report which contains the following information:

To generate such a report programmatically, you should parse the audit file. The audit entries are stored in the data/audit/audit.* files in the following format:


<audit action="saveitem" timestamp="20051206T104359" session="pisqeh45fofn2xvfb1jpot55">



  <itempath><![CDATA[/sitecore/templates/Document/Data/My Checklist]]></itempath>

  <itemname><![CDATA[My Checklist]]></itemname>



 Below is the list of entry values you could use for your report.  


IMPORTANT NOTE: the list is not full and may be different in the current version of Sitecore.

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